The Mobility House offers turn key storage containers to industries and grid operators

February 06, 2019|Munich

For companies (industries, buss or fast charging operators, …) or grid operators who want to save costs on peak loads, stabilize their power quality or are in need of a safe and reliable emergency power supply The Mobility House provides an unbeatable offer. Together with leading industry partners and Renault as a battery supplier they developed a stationary storage system that can fulfil all these requirements and by thus improve companies energy bill. Yet also parties who would simply like to participate in the energy revolution by offering their free grid connection might have a look at this unique offer?

turn key storage container

All what is needed is enough space for at least one 40-foot standard container to house the ready-to-use storage system. Inside the container, dozens of lithium-ion batteries from electric cars - second-life as well as new - with a total output of one to two megawatts work together to fulfil numerous functions that can generate income and/or reduce costs for industries and grid operator’s business.

  • The stationary storage system reduces high peak loads at sites. Since less power has to be drawn from the power grid, the system significantly reduces grid usage fees.
  • In the event of a power failure, the battery storage system kicks in to provide electricity.
  • In addition, the battery system inverters can compensate reactive power for your site.
  • It is also possible to integrate a solar or wind power system as well as electric car charging stations. The system can optimise the energy consumption or charge electric vehicles faster and more cost-effectively.
  • If the load profile is flexible, this flexibility can be utilised by the stationary storage system in the primary control power and open up interesting revenue potential.

The Mobility House operates already more than 2.500 vehicle batteries in stationary storage systems, and their technology has proven to be extremely reliable for all everyday applications. The systems are automatically controlled and continuously monitored when in operation. There are plans to build several of these stationary storage systems, with a total output of at least 60 megawatt hours and a capacity of 70 megawatts – that would be enough to supply more than 5000 households with electricity.

However, the underlying financial model is the best and unique part. The costs for the stationary storage units themselves can be borne by the participating financing partners. Customers do not necessarily have to contribute anything other than sufficient space for the container(s) and a suitable grid connection. But yet, benefit from the revenues generated and/or reduced costs and thus improve the company's energy bill.

Apart from the directly measurable financial and technical advantages, the system offers another positive aspect: With an environmentally friendly energy system, company demonstrate courage and commitment in the fight against climate change and for a sustainable energy future by improving their CO2 footprint and supporting the circular economy approach. A commitment that is being recognised and acknowledged by more and more customers, business partners and policy holders.

Interested parties are asked to contact The Mobility House at [email protected].